Ben Knotts & Shawn Weneta: Bipartisan Solutions to Virginia's Mass Incarceration

Virginia's left and right wings join together on Pod Virginia once more; this time, as Michael is joined by Shawn Weneta of the ACLU of Virginia and Ben Knotts of Americans for Prosperity. They're working together to advocate for bills reform the state prison system. One bill would grant incarcerated people a "second look"-- a chance to petition the court to review and adjust their sentences if they meet certain criteria and the court finds good cause to change the sentence. Another would reform the cost of phone calls to and from prisons. They say the bills would create incentives for incarcerated Virginians to improve their lives and stay connected with their families--improving recidivism rates and making prisons safer places for everyone.

Episode Transcript


Spending Limits, Zoning Changes, and Protesting the Arena


Legacy Admissions, Banning Book Bans, and a Tighter Budget